Chronic Disease Management
Chronic Disease Management (CDM) in General Practice involves appropriate prevention, early identification and best practice management strategies to treat existing chronic conditions such as diabetes, COPD, arthritis, osteoporosis and heart disease.
An appointment is booked for up to one hour with our experienced nurse who will discuss your chronic illness and develop a care plan that will assist you to reach optimal health outcomes. This may include referrals to allied health professionals such as physiotherapists, podiatrists, dietitians, diabetes educators, exercise physiologists, audiologists and/or psychologists.
Your GP will then consult with you to discuss the outcomes, goals and objectives of your care plan. It is also a valuable opportunity to find out what services are available within your local area to assist you with your care and independence and how to access these services.
Once the care plan is in place you will be eligible to receive 5 Medicare subsidised visits to the allied health professionals best suited to your care needs.

Quality Nursing Support
Our nurse is pivotal in assessing, planning, screening, identifying and facilitating care for patients.

Medication Review
Do you have complex medication needs? Talk to your GP about organising a medicines review with our resident pharmacist.